Some new Harper's Bazaar outtakes emerged and unfortunately with huge ugly tags across the faces of the pretties (are they sane! seriously! ..do the taggers think we will love them for that?), I cropped the ones that could be saved and chose to wait for the pix to be released untagged :/ You can view the gorgeous shoot @ source
Well, this must be another great shoot. The ones you saved are beauties. Kristen looks so Bella-like with her black hair!! These would be great shots to doctor up for Breaking Dawn Bella. All she needs are the red-eyes!!
have you seen the whle shoot? it was released before new moon got out it is one of the best shoots of RobSten ever and it was shot at the early stages of their bounding as couple they really looked awesome in all the shots now they have those awesome close up outtakes released and they are tagged in such an aweful way people will do anything to claim things which aren't theirs in the first place Harper's Bazaar themselves don't tag the shoot! if they put it out for public to view it it should be done properly, i hope i ll find them untagged somewhere!
I may have seen some of these shots, but I am really seeing them for the first time here. I love that you find all the pretties for me-- so I don't have to!! I don't have the patience to go all over the place looking for them nor do I buy any magazines with them either. So what you decide to put here for us to see is what I get to see of the shoot.
Thanks. These are really great pictures of the pair.
i always post links for the ones i don't pick at the source so u can check them out too for a fuller view:)
I checked the source. Those are some great pictures. You have used a couple of them before. Sure hope they turn up without those tags sometime. There are several in there that are just too good.
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