So, this vampire thing runs in the family. We hear your mum’s a fan…
Are you kidding me? She loves vampires. She was a history major at school and really got into Vlad The Impaler, the man behind the myth. But yeah, she loves vampires and pirates. She’s into really cool stuff.
Was it difficult being an actress when you were still at school?
I was happy to leave school at 14 and study on set, because it took a load of work off my shoulders. The fame and the pressure was taken off because they had been failing me in school. I was never the type of girl to walk around talking about being an actress, so I didn’t get a whole lot of sh*t until someone found out. I was playing it down, but I definitely got, ‘Oh, she’s such a bitch!’ I was like, ‘You’ve never spoken to me, but you think I’m a bitch? Great.’
So you didn’t feel as though you missed out, socially?
I so haven’t missed out. I’ve met hundreds of people. It’s like a hierarchy at school and I was really glad not to be a part of that. It’s weird, though, because once you’re done with school you realise it’s just a smaller version of life. That said, I am still glad I didn’t go.
Is it true you get on better with men than women?
I just don’t know many girls my age. When I was at school I couldn’t relate to kids my own age. They were mean. You can’t generalize about people because I’m sure some of those kids were brave, but they don’t give you any chance.
Your parents work in show business (mum Jules Mann-Stewart is a script writer, and dad, John Stewart a producer), so were you destined to do this?
I don’t know. It was very arbitrary, the decision of becoming an actor. I was so young. I was nine when I first started auditioning for movies, so it was like, ‘Do you want to be an actor?’ I just thought I might be good at it. I grew up on a movie set and I thought ‘Yeah, I could do that better than most people,’ I guess.
But you don’t seem to like being a celebrity, or being interviewed…
I used to hate the interview process, but I’m getting better at it, now I’m more comfortable with myself. And just because I’m an actor, I don’t see why I should talk about my personal life. I had media training when I started Twilight, but I’d already been doing this for eight years, so I was like ‘Do you think you are going to wrap up all my insecurities and throw them out the window? Do you think you are going to put sound bites in my mouth? Not going to happen.’
Are there things you’d love to do but can’t now?
Sometimes I have friends who say, ‘Hey, want to come to a restaurant today?’ I’m like, ‘Do you want to go to someone’s house? It would be so much more fun.’ So it would be nice to be able go out a bit more, not even out to a club, just out in public. It is weird never to be just some girl.
Now that I have read this! I'm sending Kristen a real hug and a would- you- be- friends-with -Apotamkin invitation:) seriously!
Kristen was smart to forego high school. Even though it is life on a smaller scale-- it is quite mean-spirited and totally populated with immature adolescents. We have an expression here: It/That is so high school! Meaning-- whatever the behavior commented on is just so childish, adolescent, and immature. Kristen instead got a taste of the real world in the real world. Good for her-- she all the better for that in my opinion.
But it has to be difficult to need to shield oneself all the time. The price of fame can sometimes be high-- but in so many ways it is worth it for her.
I hope she takes you up on your invitation, Apotamkin! Such a sweet gesture from you.
oh I wish she does! I am friendless too except for you my sweet Jan, my invisible friend, in the real world I could literally mouth Kstew's words:)
That comment saddens me, Lamia/Apotamkin. I can tell you if I was in Dubai, you and I would be fast friends. But since I can't be there, I do consider us friends here. It must be difficult for you to be without personal friends in a new city. Thankfully, you have your husband and son.
And Kristin-- are you out there? Apotamkin would be just the kind of good, loyal friend you are looking for.
I hope she heard me.
lol! this is so sweet Jan:) thank you..my family left to Egypt without me 'cause I have no annual vacation yet so for the first time in our life I'm totally alone and in another country. It is freaky lol! but i comfort myself with the fact that people do that while they are way younger but it's not common at all in our culture and we are trying to adapt to the situations hope i'm up to it for the coming few weeks:)I have you here and it is more than enough :)
You are alone now?? Oh- that has to be difficult for you. If you need someone to "talk to," please send me an email: jaygeeem at hotmail dot com. I will write to you regularly and talk about whatever you wish to. I know that we are 8 hours apart in real time, but we can still email and keep up.
Anything I can do to help, I will, just ask.
Thanx sweetie it is really very kind of you:) I would really love to find some time to talk with you more it will be really great:) the weeend here starts on Friday so probably I will be able to find the time to talk with you Jan. My day is pretty much like Rob's work work work and blog wwhen I get home until I sleep.yesterday the funniest thing happened I turned on the TV on a chanel and ther was Bella googling Apotamkin in a Syrian Arabic dubbed version of twilight!! of course I watched it till the end it was different not exactly the same words but generally ok. I felt haunted lol!
I sort of understand that "work, work, work." It is like that for me too at times. One of my co-workers had to quit due to health reasons and so that leaves me to do most of the work myself. I am taking my vacation in a few days wrapped around weekends because I just can't be gone that long. The other gal that fills in for me can not do half the stuff I do so it just piles up while I am gone. And she only comes in to do her own work one day a week. So it is getting to the point where we really need to find someone who can fill in part time. That is not so easy and I will have to do the training-in.
LOL about the Twilight. I stop what I am doing whenever I see it on the television. I saw it dubbed in Spanish and I watched for a bit-- but since I don't understand Spanish and the voices are DIFFERENT, I couldn't endure much of it. LOL. Did you understand it at all in Syrian?
Email me whenever. We can have deep discussions about whatever you desire.
sure bb:) yes I understood the language it is just a different dialect the funny thing about spoken Arabic is that it differ between middle eastern countries because each has their own way of saying the words but the written one is the same because I traveled around the region for years i picked up a lot of the differences I could write an Egyptian version for fun lol!
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