New interviews with Kristen and Rob from InStyle Mag Germany. The only reason to wish for the Saga to be over is for those two to lead a normal life, I hope! shame :( Go Pap free, Join Apotamkin..
Does the fame scare you?I'm still not familiar with being in the spotlight. Screaming fans make me nervous. I could pass on that attention. I'm very, very shy by nature.
Do you have to dig yourself in the hotel because the fans siege the building?No, it's not that crazy. I'm reading a lot of stories about me. If they all were true I would have a horrible life (laughs).
Some fans are annoyed because you were critizing the "Twilight-hysteria" on the internet.I don't understand why people spend their time on forums or facebook and don't even post something meaningful. For me there are more important things than spending hours on the computer. I love to read a book, listen to Led Zepelin, U2, play guitar or watch a play. And instead of chatting I meet my friends in person.
Such as Robert Pattinson?Such as.
Why do you still make a secret out of your relationship?I don't make a secret out of it. I just don't talk about certain subjects because most of it is interpreted wrong.
Do you read articles about yourself?Yes, most of it is amusing. And I have to know what crime I just committed because it is guaranteed that I will be asked about it in the next interview (laughs).
What do you think about the comparison you are going to be the new Angelina Jolie?Who comes up with that? But I don't complain. She is a great actress and looks beautiful.
You are a role model for many girls. Also fashionable. Do you like it?I'm not an expert. I have my own style. I buy vintage and wear old rag and funky t-shirts. I only wear things which I really love. That's why I don't like stylists. I want to be as authentic as possible and I don't care about the labels on the t-shirts.
You've been chosen to be one of the 100 influential people in the world. How do you take it?As long as nobody writes that I'm one of the 100 worst people I don't care. The positive thing is that I'm now more perceived as actress. I get better offers for a role and can choose instead of taking all.
Are you scared of falling back when the Twilight-Saga is over?All actors have that problem when they played a role for a longer time. There are two sites. On the one hand it is a huge compliment that I get when a Twilight fan always sees Bella in me. On the other hand is that I did different projects during Twilight as well.
For someone who dropped out of school you are pretty successful. Why did you quit school?Because of the acting I had no time for it anymore. From the 8th grade on I had a private teacher. But I didn't missed the school for one second. It was horrible and I hated too sit still in class. I've always been rebellious and needed my freedom. I was really relieved when I could study at home. Studying was fun. I'm interested in many things, for example writing. But school was never the right place for me.
What would you advise to young people who are interested in acting?If that's it what you really want you have to try. Otherwise you would regret and that would be sad.
If you wouldn't have become an actress. What would you do today?Writing scripts. If that wouldn't work out I could imagine working as a property master, too.
All your “Twilight” colleagues said that you were in love with Edward after reading the books. In love with a vampire that abstains from sex before marriage. What do you think of that?
I think that Edward’s afraid of sex (laughs). No, I kind of
understand his point of view, because the stage in which you are not sure of yourselves in a relationship is the most exciting. Maybe I’m old fashioned in this respect. There shouldn’t be rules for love. Some couples meet in a bar, sleep with each other the same evening and live happily ever after.
What do you think of girls that cry “Marry me” at your film premieres?
It’s mind-blowing but it’s just a part of my job.
You once said that you had the deepest relationship with your dog…
I was only partly serious. Unfortunately my dog, a West Highland Terrier, died last december. He was 18 years old. I love dogs and I’d love to get one again, an older one that’s already been trained. Do I want a dog that’s already perfect? That would be like getting a furnished apartment. Very impersonal.
But you’re used to that right? You only drive rental cars, live in hotels, eat in restaurants. How does it feel to be homeless?
It’s necessary. In Los Angeles I live in 5 different hotels, because after two days the paparazzi will be waiting in front of the hotel. I don’t buy a house because of that. After one week thousands of people would know were I live – that’s no home.
How is it to live in a hotel?
The roomservice’s not good for me. In London I was addicted to greasy indian chicken dishes. Now in L.A. I order 5 healthy dishes, which are delivered in the morning. I’am only able to make toast and I add barbecue sauce to everything (laughs).
Do you sometimes feel lonely in the hotel?
There’s no time for that. I’m surrounded by people all the time. On the set you ask threehundred people “How’s it going?” every day. I could easily live two months without talking to a single person.
Was it preferable not to be famous?
No, only more boring. Former I wasn’t allowed to enter clubs. Now I’m avoiding them. The four months previous to the first “Twilight” premiere were the months I partied the most. All of a sudden I was standing on the guest list of the coolest clubs of L.A. The paparazzi didn’t know me back then but all of the bouncers let me in. In London things are different. If you slip the bouncer 200 pounds, you get in, no matter if you’re famous or not. But I think my clubbing-times have passed.