I don't know what kind of poster is this but it did inspire me to work my brush on it and bring out the fiery side of a newborn Edward! Which brings me to a special plea; what if Stephenie Meyer completes Midnight Sun and tells us all about Edward before meeting Bella too? that would be my Breaking Dawn, Apotamkin will light up again:)
poster via source

I simply love this!!
Edward-- oh my!!
I too wonder if Stephanie will ever finish Midnight Son. I think she's probably over Twilight and deeply wishes to move on to something different.
But if she ever does finish it, I will be be chomping at the bit to read it!
In looking at the original poster, there is an eclipse in the background-- just noticed that and had to add the comment-- LOL
miss u girls I am deep into my ears at work my eyes are popping! love Rob's new pix in London. i'm seriously thinking about a twi- trip to vancover when they shoot BD are u in? will start saving lol!
Well, the shooting in Vancouver is coming up and also they are supposed to be doing some shooting in Louisiana which is the polar opposite of Vancouver, practically.
I think that it would be fairly hard at this point in the saga for fans to really get very close at all during shooting. They have really ramped up the security and locked down the sets because there are just too many people that could endanger or interfere with the shooting.
That would BE quite a trip for you, though-- And it is coming up in November-- that's when it starts.
I doubt I can get away for it this year-- although it is mighty tempting.
Don't work too hard, now.
I have a dream of playing Pier and my son playing Nahuel that's practically my story leaving out the vamps and it's parallel to Bella's which I identify with too in the birth scene. I actually looked up auditions I'm willing to be that stupid because we are newbies to this but that's how crazy i get with my twi obsession:)
Well, you know I am always promoting you in all ways. Go for it and I wish you luck in that, truly.
ok:) will update you on my crazy acts:)
Genial dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
I am going to keep you to that as well-- LOL
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