Thursday, September 30, 2010
New/Old Pic of Rob and Kristen from MTV Movie Awards
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Apotamkin Welcomes Renesemee
Breaking Renesemee News!
Renesemee cast details are all over:) It is a happy moment, can't wait to see Rob and Kristen's reactions:)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Fan made Robsten Interview
Renesemee Candidate: Mackenzie Foy

Gorgeous Renesemee Candidate: Mackenzie Foy! Does this little cutie embody The Renesemee we have imagined? What do you think?
I have picked images I think reflect some resemblance to the character and her lovely parents:)
google images
Monday, September 27, 2010
Fan Made Twilight Art
Eclipse Hillywood Parody in The Making!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Lovely Old EW shoot. Kristen Stewart
Stewart Shining Outtakes of Rob Revisited
It seems that shoot has been modified into partial mono partial colored pix as you can still see some red remaining on the sleeves. that's if you are able to pay attention to other details and follow the example of the cold Apotamkin:) as usual I selected my favorites. You could always hop to source for more.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Here Without you - Edward and Bella Fan Video
The fact that I never get bored of watching Twilight footage makes me think of one thing; viva Catherine Hardwicke :)
New EW Outtakes III

via bella'sdiary
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Robert & Kristen Need
I usually share my findings. This just spoke my mind and state, lovely:)
by julyfox
Large Teen Vogue Pix of Rob and Kristen!

Kristen & Jesse. Adventureland Interviews
I'm taking you back again to Kstew's Adventureland because I grabbed the DVD from the shelf yesterday and enjoyed watching it again! quenching a little thirst for our girl crush:) Jesse Eisenburg was awesome too!... ah! Watch Kstew dodge personal questions :)
Monday, September 20, 2010
On Hayley Williams & Rob!
and I wish for an airplane too, one that would take me to tent city one day:)
Hope you enjoyed my little break:)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
New-born Edward Poster!

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Ancient Rob Interview. Harry Potter Stage!
Have you ever seen this? A full interview with Rob when a teenager! How far has he grown since the Goblet of Fire? This is so funny:D
Friday, September 17, 2010
Kristen.Outtakes Jalous- Mathew Frost 08

Lovely new/old outtakes of Kstew's Jalous shoot. Just a quick reminder of how gorgeous Kristen is:) I haven't seen these before and believe me I thought I have seen them all:)
kristenstewartfan via lunanuevameyer
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Visit A Cool Robsten Site!

Heavy In Your Arms. Official Video
This song is growing on me :) glad an official video of this haunting Eclipse track is out! the official music video of Florence and the Machine's Heavy in Your Arms, I must say is really creepy :)
Telegraph.UK Interview with kristen Stewart

An interview with Kstew from the Telegraph. UK, I selected a part about her rumored romance with Rpattz and the hide and seek with the paparazzi :)
Read the full interview@source
(Interviewer Will Lawrence wrote): Stewart is less forthcoming about her relationship with her co-star Robert Pattinson.
The very first time I met Pattinson, before the original Twilight film, he enthused about her and laughed about the rebuffs he got when trying to ask her out (Stewart was dating Michael Angarano, her co-star from Speak, at the time).
Since then the pair have become a couple, although neither one has gone on record to confirm it.
The last time I saw Stewart and Pattinson was at this year's Bafta dinner, where they sat together and left together. They definitely acted as a couple.
'It doesn't matter how many times I've spoken to someone or how well they know me, I'm just not going to talk about that,' she says when I ask.
'But it is weird with the paparazzi,' she continues. 'We are not on the top of the paparazzi list, but it is definitely tougher for Rob.'
The pair looked to have been rumbled when a photographer caught them cosying up on the Isle of Wight
over New Year.
'That was some kid, not paparazzi, who took that shot,' she says, smiling. 'That's the kind of thing that just baffles you. I can't believe that came out.'
She says that she finds London an easier place to roam than New York or Los Angeles, and concedes that she can no longer live a normal existence in her home-town.
'I have friends who say, "Hey. We are in a restaurant today. Want to come? A bunch of us are hanging out?" And yet I am like, "Do you want to go to someone's house? It would be so much more fun.
Bring everyone round to my house!" It is weird never to be just some girl. Everybody knows me so I can never be just a new person with somebody. New people always have an impression of me and I am so aware of it, and it probably changes me.'
Her hobbies, she says, are simple. Along with her interest in the guitar, she's an avid reader and likes to write ('not stories per se, just thoughts and bits of prose').
She also adores her cat, Max, who is 'insane. He's like the antichrist when I try to travel with him. I like to take him with me when I'm away filming.'
Stewart is currently shooting an adaptation of On the Road, directed by the Brazilian film-maker Walter Salles. 'I play Marylou and I am f–ing freaking out about it. Nobody has ever tried to make it and yet, reading the book, it is insanely iconic.
It is my favourite book. It is so f–ing cool that I am doing it. A friend introduced me to it when I was 14 and I have read it a couple of times.'
When that finishes she'll begin work on the final chapters in the Twilight saga (the novel Breaking Dawn has been divided into two films).
'With Twilight we all really got lucky. It is a rare thing on a movie, when it hits and it gives you freedom. Because of Twilight I could make a film like Welcome to the Rileys.'
Yet to be released in Britain, this indie film, produced by Ridley Scott, sees Stewart play a prostitute. 'I'm happy that people might think, "Let's go and see that Twilight girl in a stripper movie!" I'm cool with that.' Perhaps being Kristen Stewart isn't so tough, after all.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
"You & I": Twilight Fan Video
Suffering the backlash of the Twilight drought and the need to feed on anything remotely related to it! I went on a hunt for a Twilight fan video, this one was the best I stumbled upon within my suffocated blogging time:) I like how it captures moments where Rob and Kristen are at their best as genuine actors, I know I'm biased but watch and see:)
by eatmysoul
Monday, September 13, 2010
Happy Birthday Bella!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Rob in Houston. Great Fan Pic!

Many fans had an encounter of the 5th kind with Rob in Houston, Lol! Fans can be accidentally artistic I guess despite the shrieks and squeals! I love this pic with Rob's guitar:)
via source
Friday, September 10, 2010
Revisiting Twilight Promo Pix!

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Love The Way You Lie. Edward & Bella
I love Eminem and Rihanna's new hit "Love the Way You Lie", I hoped some fan was n'sync with me on how it would be lovely to have it in the background of any twilight themed vid.Cr8veLcnse got it!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
New/Old Twilight Interviews with Rob!
Had one of those nostalgic moments where I needed to hear Rob talk about what Twilight is about. It's always nice to find those interviews that I either haven't seen at all or just remember fragments of them. Hope you enjoy these as much as I did while filtering and selecting for my post:)