Forgive me but I'm totally not into artistry that involves nudity or sexuality, probably because of my culture and because of the fact that I am a mum! I have selected these new pics of Rob from his new shoot for Details mag that caused me to look most of the day like his first photo. I generally feel very protective of what I think is the remains of what's innocent and good in the world, basically all the ethics and values of Twilight...
via twifans
I agree.
Detail is a Men's Magazine sort
of like Playboy I guess. Ordinarily not something most gals
would give a second look, but with
who is on cover there will be
ladies making a purchase. Have
to say the interview of him by
Jenny Lumet was really good.
I guess he has already had close
encounter with an elephant while
researching for "Water for Elephants".
:) that was a great part Rob is very tender and kind and the elephant must have felt it:) that was soo sweet:)
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