I can't find the words to describe my happiness to see that Rob & Kristen walk (the streets of Ventnor, Isle of Wight, a small island in the south of England) together not bothered by paps, posing with the cutest littlest fan. It's a moment to celebrate on Apotamkin! A great 2010 start for Robsten believers:)
(so my new year wish came true:) sigh:)
images via Rob and Kristen lovers
Is it you on the pictures
I can't meet them beuse I live in Sweden. That sucks!
i think i'v just turned green :L!
No Sofia:) I'm 37 xD u can find me on the left side bar! it sucks everywhere sweetie as long as we r not in the US or UK an encounter is not possible i guess! i live in Dubai but i'm egyptian:)
lol to anonymous i turned pink cause i just love them as a package seriously:)
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