Apotamkin is so excited! Robsten sightings and PDAs made its day after some sad posts that reflect life without those two. Finally, the sun shines! The set of On the Road is a special milestone in RobSten's epic story of love:)
Le Sigh! Apotamkin edited and gave Robsten their special meadow:)
Awesome, girl!! You found them-- how absolutely cute they are-- and more evidence-- Robsten is REAL!
Man you are good.
I'm so happy for them, Kristen looks very conscious of being followed the poor girl and Rob looks like he doesn't cre any more which I totally agree with. I have a feeling Kristen doesn't want the paps to get their victory for a snap shot because they are messing up her life and she won't make it easy for them and she is right! I think Rob's t-shirt says it all with the "Get off my ..." on the back people are making posts of his privates for God's sake how sick is that!! as much as I'd die to know that they are together and safe I just hate how they suffer to be normal together. I hope they make it, their love should endure and they should find their own Isle Esmee when they rap up their shoots and take a long long break. Dubai is great for that only the papers will be full with news about a certain stalker who "beats" the paps lol! literally:)
LOL-- I won't want to miss THAT news story, Apotamkin!!
However, keep in mind that as miserable as it can be for Robsten, they have great rewards as well. They are going into this life with their eyes wide open and they really want to be successful in their high profile careers.
Rob has said a few times that he can evade the spotlight by just being smart and staying away from certain places-- which are obviously the places where they are expected to be. A movie shoot is an obvious place to spot a celebrity-- so when they WANT privacy-- it is obviously away from the shooting location after hours. And remember to that they have mega amounts of money that can buy them all kinds of privacy when they want it. So those pap shots at Kristen's shoot location are to be expected. I bet they are having all kinds of privacy after hours away from the spotlight.
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