This look is completely responsible for the happy ending of one dull day:) Rob you just made lonely Apotamkin laugh and gave it the post for the day!
Socks, slippers and rolled up pants :) thanx!
via Robsessed
Socks, slippers and rolled up pants :) thanx!
via Robsessed
LOL-- and rolling on the floor to boot!! Those paparazzi sure manage to get those shots that I am sure Rob probably wished they hadn't gotten. Although, when he sees this, I have no doubt he will be laughing as hard as we are!
I hate paps! the only pix that I might reluctantly choose are on set pix and fan pix that don't intrude on his private activities. on set there is always this direct straight look at the camera which means he is usually fully aware he is being photographed and when he does all sorts of amusing Rob stuff like break dancing, funny faces etc..I wonder why 90 percent of the time he is whistling...I read once that he tries to change his facial expressions to spoil the photos for the paps and generally go in the same outfits to create the illusion they pix are not new. Rob is a mighty pap fighter lol:)
Ha! I just swallowed my gum. Too cute! Lol @ "mighty pap fighter" He's a Ninja!
haha Ninja I agree:D
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