Wednesday, May 12, 2010

GMTV Full Interview with Rob!

In an attempt to saturate my blog with Robert before midnight :) here is a full HQ interview I just dug from Remember Me promos!


JGM said...

Way Cool. I hadn't seen that one. I will probably buy the "Remember Me" DVD for my first look-see of that film. I know, of course, what it is all about. I read all the spoilers and am glad I did. I would have been very upset seeing that movie with no idea of what it was about. 911 was very devastating for us here in the US-- it hit so many of personally. Even in my state of North Dakota, we had casualties that day. It was such a horrible thing to imagine-- starting out one's day normally at work-- and then knowing you were going to die and having to send voice mail messages to family. The stories were riveting and devastating at the same time. It also happened a few weeks after I lost my best friend to cancer.

So needless to say, I will have to work myself up to watching that one. And to think that Rob's character perishes? Ohhhh, how sad.


Apotamkin said...

These are unforgettable moments that has also touched and affected the general well being, image and future of the Middle Eastern Nations. It's devastating for us in Egypt along with the rest of the Arab countries not to be lost in death but to be living as dead with the threat to perish for the unacceptable and unthinkable act of destruction performed by unrelated and unknown minority who should have got what they deserve but didn't. It's a sad reality for all and people like Rob can work on uniting the world with messages of love in his movies I personally didn't come out of RM filled with a meaning more depressing and wished it was a hopeful film I wrote a review earlier about it but frankly it was too harsh it is a good movie! we can discuss my review if u read it after u watch the movie so as not to spoil it:)

Anonymous said...

You do indeed live in a part of the world that has been severely impacted as a result of 911 and I truly empathize with you on that. Since I do not live close to armed conflict, I needed to be reminded that not all people in the world are that fortunate. The Middle East is constantly living their own 911 on an ongoing basis. I would truly like to see the fighting stop and my country must help rebuild the devastation that the wars have caused. Then peace can once again be enjoyed throughout your part of the world.

I am relieved to hear that you came away with the feeling that the message from the movie was a positive one. I hope this message resonates throughout the world. War and terrorism is such a wasteful and destructive enterprise. Our lives are much too short the way it is that we don't need to have such horrible things which goals are solely to deliberately end precious human life. What insanity that is.

As I wrote before, I will wait until the DVD comes out as it is no longer showing in our theaters here presently. When I get to see the movie, I will read your review and discuss that with you.

But in the mean time, I plan to continue as your own "Apotamkin Blog Stalker." If you wish, just ignore me. But your blog, on the other hand, is simply just too cool to ignore and your work deserves many positive comments, so I am going to continue to make them.


Apotamkin said...

Sweet Jan what makes you think I would want to ignore you?!! I'm more than delighted to have someone like you be my stalker never been stalked before lol! and you are my friend and I love you for that, I love the concept of unaffected friendship which is based on common humanity and that's why I love Twilight because it crosses the differences and binds us all. Please have no doubt that I totally welcome everything you say and certainly value your presence and stalking and look forward and miss you when you are not there:) love

Anonymous said...

My dear Apotamkin:

I really thank you for your kindness by allowing me to be your personal blog stalker. Twilight has brought us from totally different parts of the world together in friendship. That is pretty darn cool, if you ask me!

And so you have never had a blog stalker before, I must confess that I have NEVER been one until now. I can only tell you once again, that out of the dozens and dozens of Twilight blogs I have visited, yours is absolutely one to practically die for. I really just love what you do here.



Apotamkin said...

thank you Jan again and again:) i'm really so flattered i usually get messages from haters on my cbox on the left margin saying things such as "is that even a site, the art work sucks.. etc.. lol and i usually answer them back with "what are you doing here in the first place and such idiot remarks. I value your opinion so much it gives confidence to carry on so thanx love:)

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